
Structure / Mobile Halls

Hexagon Structure

The essential versatility of a product forever-young. A functional and easily erected range, ideal and necessary for everyone.The Hexagon halls are considered one of the most important Albaddad products due to its effective installation time starting from 40 minutes. The structures are very durable to satisfy our clients’ needs and outdoor requirements such as VIP lounges or events, and also can be used in gardens and small concerts and many other uses such as a unique entrance to any of our bigger structures, which has always pleased our customers’ needs during mass celebrations. The Hexagon hall characteristics allows multiple diameters according to the customer’s need and it can be in different heights reaching up to 8 meters without any center columns, in addition to several options of PVC and glass and sandwich panels. With the availability of several other options for linings to give the hall the best final interior look.

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